Training Portal Queue Help

The ‘Queue’ is the responsibility of the Leeds Teaching Hospitals Digital Systems Support team to process inline with any agreed SLAs between Leeds Care Record and LTHT.

The queue will be populated by staff members who have completed the eLearning modules therefore require a Leeds Care Record account: creating, deactivating, reactivating, removing (leavers), movers (new site access) and email address changes (if a new email address has been created).   

The queue will be used for managing the notifications and marking them as complete and will replace any previous processes used for account management of the Leeds Care Record member. The queue will have the following types:  

CompletedThe staff member has completed all the eLearning modules therefore requires a Leeds Care Record account creating. 
DeactivatedThe staff members Leeds Care Record account requires deactivating due to not logging in for over 90 days/sick leave/maternity leave. 
ReinstateThe staff members Leeds Care Record account requires reactivating. 
RemoveThe staff members Leeds Care Record account requires deactivating as they have left the organisation. 
New AccessThe staff member has previously had access to Leeds Care Record but requires an account at a different site. 
Edit UserThe staff member has changed their email address therefore their Leeds Care Record account needs amending.