eLearning Feedback

    Your Name (required)*

    Your Job Role (required)*

    Your Email (required)*

    How do you rate the overall eLearning?

    How would you rate the: Course Content:

    How would you rate the: Course Length:

    Did you have any problems accessing the eLearning?


    If yes, please outline the issues:

    Were your course objectives met?


    If no/partially, please comment:

    Did you feel the elearning was interactive?


    If no/partially, what other features would you like to see?

    Was the course meaningful to your role?


    If no/partially, please comment:

    How could the eLearning be modified to improve your learning?

    I give permission to the Leeds Care Record Team to use my job role and comments in publishing materials?


    Please tick to confirm you have read and agree with the privacy policy:
    I have read, understood and agree to the terms outlined in the privacy policy.