Further Support

Please complete your details using the form below to request further support for Leeds Care Record.

Your details below will be checked with your employer.

We will confirm that you are a current employee at your organisation, confirm that your Information Governance training is up to date and that you have a legitimate reason to access and use Leeds Care Record.


    Items marked with a * are required

    * Your Full Name:

    * Your Email Address (This must be your current @nhs.net or @leeds.gov.uk email address. STRICTLY no other email may be used for Leeds Care Record access and correspondence):

    * Your Organisation: (This is your direct employer)

    * Specialist Team / Department or Other:

    GMC / NMC or Other Code: (If applicable)

    * Your Role: (Official job title)

    * Your Contact Number:

    Please briefly tell us why you would like further support for Leeds Care Record:

    Please tick to agree your terms of access: I confirm that I have a legitimate reason to access Leeds Care Record and am fully compliant with my organisations Information Governance training

    Please tick to confirm you have read and agree with the privacy policy:
    I have read, understood and agree to the terms outlined in the privacy policy.